Things to Do in Northern Texas
Dwight David Eisenhower’s Birth Place Denison, Texas

On October 14, 1890 in Denison, TX the 34th President of the United States was born to David Jacob and Ida Elizabeth Stover Eisenhower. Many years later, a local school principal named Jennie Jackson remembered those early days when President Eisenhower lived in Denison as a baby. She went about preserving the modest two-story home of one of the 20th century’s greatest Presidents. The home is furnished with antiques that are representative of how people lived during that time period.
Eisenhower graduated from West Point in 1915 and soon after he married Mamie Doud. They had two sons Doud and John. During World War II he was appointed as the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. During the 1940s he was involved in many military actions oversea. From 1951-1952 he was the Supreme Commander of NATO.
In 1953, Eisenhower became the first Republican president to be elected in 20 years. His presidential term was from 1953 – 1961. He had many achievements during his time in office, but one of the most memorable was when he signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957. This was followed by Army troops being sent into Little Rock, Arkansas to enforce the federal court order that integrated schools. As the United States entered the space race, Eisenhower established NASA to propel the country into the future.
During the cold war Eisenhower’s agreement to an armistice helped end the Korean War. He also authorized the CIA to take action to overthrow unfriendly governments. His national security policy of using strategic nuclear weapons to deter threats from the Warsaw Pact Nations helped preserve anti-communist governments.
The visitors center has many displays that chronicles Eisenhower’s amazing contributions to the country throughout his life. For more information click this link
Tales and Trails Museum Nocona, Texas
The Museum opened in 2010 and houses a regional collection of Native American and European trade goods donated by the Joe Benton family. The collection tells the story of the Montague County area of Texas. The early Indian tribes of the Taovayas, Kiowa, Wichita, Caddo, Pawnee, Nocona, and Comanche made the area home for many years before the arrival of the white man.
After the European settlers came to the area, the open prairie gave way to Texas Longhorns being driven to Kansas along the Chisholm Trail. The area’s agriculture was dominated by cotton until the boll weevil destroyed the crops. Cotton was replaced by wheat as the major cash crop for the area.
Once the railroad came to Nocona things really began to change. H.J. Justin started the Justin Boot Company. Later the company left the area and H.J. Justin’s daughter Enid started the Nocona Boot company. Nocona Athletic Goods under the trademark “Nokona” invented the modern-day pointed-end football.
As with many areas of the country, the discovery of Oil in 1922 changed the very makeup of the area. The North Field is still producing oil today. With the discovery of the Barnett Shale formation the area has become a producer of natural gas.
The Tales and Trails Museum has a great collection, that truly depicts the changes that occurred to fabric and culture of Texas over the centuries. For more information click on this link
Perrin Air Force Base Historical Museum Denison, Texas
Perrin Air Force Base was named after Lieutenant Colonel Elmer Daniel Perrin from Borne, TX.
The base was in operation from 1941 through 1971. During that time, it was used as a testing station for new ideas and the training of pilots by the United States Air Force. The aircrafts the pilots trained on include: as B-13’s, AT-6’s, B-26’s, T-33’s, F-86’s (D’s and L’s) as well as the Delta Wing F-102 Delta Daggers and a few T106’s the Delta Dart
The goals set forth for the museum was to collect and preserve memorabilia from the time that Perrin Air Force Base was in operation. Maintaining fellowship and community outreach is also important to the group. The first museum was opened on February 14, 2004 with these simple goals in mind. They continue to expand and improve their collection of donated items.
When you first drive up to the museum you will see an F86 airplane that looks like it is taking to the skies. This only sets the stage for what is to come inside the museum. Any military history lover will be impressed with the extensive collection found in the Perrin Air Force Base Historical Museum.
For more information click on this link
Blue Ostrich Winery and Vineyard Saint Jo, Texas
The family owned winery and vineyard offers a picturesque setting to relax and enjoy tasting wine with the makers. They produce a nice range of red and white wines to suite the tasted of both the sweet and dry wine lovers. When visiting the tasting room and learning about the wines you can tell it truly is a labor of love for this farming family.
After the tasting we sat on the porch overlooking the vineyard before we took a stroll over to visit two of the seven ostriches that make the vineyard home. Grapes and wine making are enjoying an upturn in the Red River Valley of Texas and we are glad we got to experience it firsthand.
For more information click on this link
Dallas Heritage Village at Old City Park
“The mission of Dallas Heritage Village is to collect, preserve, and teach the history of Dallas and North Central Texas. Located in historic Old City Park, the museum uses its collections of historic buildings and furnishings, representing the period 1840-1910, to sponsor research, publications, and exhibits, and to present educational programs and special events for diverse audiences of children, families, and adults.”
The living history museum was started in 1969 when the Millermore House was moved to the City Park in an effort to give the Old City Park a chance at a new life.
Since that time the village has acquired 21 buildings as well as memorabilia from the Dallas area. The village offers a unique experience to its visitors. As you walk around you are transported to an earlier time in Dallas history. You can see how people lived and worked and see the growth of the area once the railroad came. We were able to talk to the black smith and the gardener as well as other volunteers that are stationed in different buildings throughout the park. I would say a visit to the Dallas Heritage Village at Old City Park is a must do for anyone visiting the Dallas area. For more information click on this link
Perot Museum of Nature and Science
The museum provides children and adults with a wide range of hands- on activities, films and live science demonstrations that are designed to inspire and amaze. The goal of the museum is to inspire the next generation of explorers and scientists with the permanent and special exhibits throughout the museum. There is so much to see and do you will be amazed by how much your children can learn about science, math and technology while having fun doing it.
While we were at the museum we visited:
- The Rees-Jones Foundation Dynamic Earth Hall. Here we experienced an earthquake. We also were able to learn about weather patterns and how they are affected by the earth, air and water.
- The Discovering Life Hall takes you on a tour of how the earth ecosystems support and transform life.
Collared Peccary Red Fox - The Being Human Hall has many interactive exhibits that allow you to see how the human body works.
- Lyda Hill Gems and Minerals Hall has a wide verity of crystals and minerals with its largest being that of Alien Eye fluorites know as “The Eyes of Africa”
The Eyes of Africa Fluorite & Quartz Aquamarine Minerals - Boone Pickens Life Then and Now Hall contains dinosaurs, fossils, and paleo-habitats to inspire the next generation of archeologists.
Columbian Mammoth Skeleton Pachyrhinosaurus Skeleton - Texas Instruments Engineering and Innovation Hall has many interactive exhibits from programing 3D animation to robot racing. Every station is designed to allow the visitor to see real life examples of engineering.
Texas Instruments Engineering and Innovation Hall
For more information click on this link